General Guidelines
Cars, trips with airfare, consumer electronics and gift certificates are the most popular prizes requested by producers and contestants. Once your product/prize is accepted by producers, you will need to provide the following:
- :15-:30 of silent video of the product/prize that can be edited by the programs.
- :10 seconds of audio copy to be read by program describing the prize (:20 seconds for trips that include airfare).
:10 advertising is the most cost efficient way to advertise on national television. With more than 70 programs available, including the top programs in syndication, Bruce Media can build a media plan to reach any demographic. We specialize in big-time television advertising on limited budgets.
Fulfillment Obligations
You will be notified at least two weeks prior to the airdate of when your product is featured as a prize on the particular program.
We will furnish you with all contact information of the
winning contestant(s).
The prize supplier must make arrangement with the contestant for delivery of the prize within 45 days. (Contestants have 1 year from the airdate of the show to take trips)
:10 advertising is the most cost efficient way to advertise on national television. With more than 70 programs available, including the top programs in syndication, Bruce Media can build a media plan to reach any demographic. We specialize in big-time television advertising on limited budgets.
:10 advertising is the most cost efficient way to advertise on national television. With more than 70 programs available, including the top programs in syndication, Bruce Media can build a media plan to reach any demographic. We specialize in big-time television advertising on limited budgets.